FAQ On Air Handler Maintenance
In Washington D.C., Baltimore, MD and Surrounding Areas
Frequently Asked Questions
How Often Should You Clean Air Handlers?
The HVAC system in your building works tirelessly, but you can’t forget about it. Routine maintenance on your HVAC system, including the air handlers, is important to ensure that your system continues to function with high efficiency and to reduce the load on your system to keep it operating for as long as possible. Because the air handler unit is used constantly to move the air throughout the ductwork, it is important to perform air handler cleaning a couple of times per year. When you do the cleaning, it is a perfect time to perform air handler maintenance as well and to deal with air handler repairs at the same time.
What Do Air Handler Units Do?
An air handler contains the components that move the air throughout your home, called the blower. Air handlers can work with an air conditioner and houses the indoor coil, used to cool and heat your home depending on which system it’s running with. They are not the air conditioner or the furnace but instead work with those devices to move the air throughout the building, whether hot or cold. You may have dampers, filters, mixing chambers, and more in an air handler. In short, air handlers help direct the conditioned air throughout the building to heat or cool the building.
What Is The Life Expectancy Of An Air Handler?
Air handlers have a life expectancy of between 15 and 25 years, which is roughly the same length of time as most other pieces of an HVAC system. Of course, there are many outside factors that will affect this length of time. How well maintenance is done on air handlers and other equipment will have a significant impact on how long your air handler will last before needing replacement. Air handler repairs are important as well in keeping your air handler unit operating for as long as possible.
When you are in need of air handler maintenance, air handler cleaning, and air handler repairs, call the professionals at Air Cleaning Technologies. They work with a variety of organizations in the Baltimore and Washington, D.C., area, including schools, military agencies, hospitals, and more. They can keep your system working at peak efficiency.